United States Basketball League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19 Jan 2011 Welcome to the North Shore Men's Basketball League site. mid Sept. and ends in Dec. for the Fall League and the Spring league begins in
Mens Spring Basketball League
Puget Sound Basketball League - Washingtons Largest Basketball League . Tuesday Spring 1 Men's League : March 1st: $650/ $90: 10 games in 9 weeks: Reserve
N. Shore Men's Basketball League
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewYMCA Men's . Spring . Basketball . League . Central Douglas County Family YMCA. 1151 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, OR 97471
Men's Spring Basketball Leagues - Westminster, CO - City of
Toronto Basketball - Connecting Toronto's Basketball Community.
2011 Spring Adult Mens Basketball - Leagues - United Sports
18 Jan 2011 The CENTRE is currently organizing our Spring Recreational Men's Basketball League . The league will play on Wednesday nights for six weeks,
HoopDome Spring / Summer Mens Basketball League Registration
Eastland Mens Spring 2011 Basketball League is for guys 16 and older and is designed to be a league 2011 Spring Mens Basketball League cost is $350.00
Men's Spring Basketball League
San Diego Basketball .com prvides information on Men's Basketball Leagues throughout the San Diego Basketball .com provides a Women's Basketball League at
Fairfax Athletics Co-ed & Men's Basketball League
Men's Spring Mini Basketball League . The Spring Basketball League is postponed due to contstruction at the Midway Recreation Center.
Men's Basketball Leagues
Players Sports Group Spring 2011 basketball leagues are now available for NEW this spring is our men's Lower Intermediate league on Wednesday nights at
Basketball Player Sports Group – Chicago's Recreational Sports
Mens Spring Basketball Leagues , Westminster Basketball. Listed by City of Westminster, CO. Registration begins January 4th, registration deadline is Sunday,
Summer 2011 Men's Certified Basketball Leagues - NCAA.org
Spring 2011 Basketball Registration Information, Spring 2011 Basketball Meeting do want to play with the men , we will also offer a co-ed league as well.
2010 UPEI Men's Spring Basketball League | Athletics
15 Aug 2010 Come join the region's most competitive program of adult basketball leagues ! Join over 80 Adult Men's basketball teams .
Welcome To The Home of Lion League Basketball - (North Chelmsford
Any action deemed detrimental to another player, an official, the league's coordinators, or the facility and its staff will be dealt with severely,
3 Feb 2011 FXA Co-ed & Men's Basketball - Click here for more information and registration. The Spring 2011 Co-ed Softball League will begin Mid March
Organizes competitive men's basketball leagues in Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego counties.