The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) archives from December 1989, page 21
File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatA basketball game with the New England Patriots All-Stars is planned for April 1 as a thank you to those who contribute. Dudley Police Sgt. Dean
Billerica plans to honor those who died for town - Lowell Sun Online
The Patriot Ledger WOBURN 4 CANTON 0 BOSTON - Ultimately, the Canton High School ..... John Mahoney, retired Braintree police officer. Mar 13, 2006; .
The Patriot Ledger Quincy, MA articles from March 2006, page 16
15 Feb 2011 Woburn teen, Chris Ward, dead after car plunges from highway (202) Tewksbury Town Crier. TMHS girls basketball team remains red hot. Patriots . Patriots franchise Mankins entering a burning building, assisting the police in handling any number of incidents or performing a life-saving rescue.
Deval Patrick's under fire over parole board -
6 Jan 2011 Boston Police Blotter. Classifieds Classifieds bargaining agent of the Woburn Police Department's patrolmen and superior officers unions
Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
15 Mar 2009 Photo by Neil HawleySketch artist Regina M. Johnson, of Woburn (right), .... Springfield police officer Pedro J. Martinez held in child rape case ..... Springfield police subdue East Hartford man after car chase from Basketball Hall of Fame parking lot ..... SPRINGFIELD - The New England Patriots .
Revere Journal - Revere Massachusetts Newspaper - Feed Directory
25 Mar 2009 She was the wife of the late Revere Police Patrolman Julius A. Voss, (corner of Pleasant Street) Woburn , today, Wednesday, March 25, at 9 a.m., .... Patrice Fogg on All Aboard the Bandwagon – Girls Basketball Team is in the Back Bay Sun; - Beacon Hill Times; - Charlestown Patriot -Bridge
New Year - Home Page
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View7/1/2002 Boston Police Patrolmen . $100.00 Hole Sponsor. Association. 9-11 Shetland St. Boston, MA 02119. 10/15/2002 C.Y.O. Basketball . $200.00 Donation
VOICES 9/11 Memorial site - VOICES of September 11th
Most of those expenditures were for printing of campaign literature by a Woburn company, Police Brief 02-03-2011. 04 Feb 2011 00:28:48 GMT. MONDAY, JAN. .... Girls basketball team improves to 12-0 The Revere High girls basketball ..... After The Patriots spotted the Golden Knights a 1-0 lead after one period,
Obituaries – 03-25-2009 | Revere Journal - Revere Massachusetts
31 Dec 2010 WOBURN, Mass. -- Slain Woburn police officer John "Jack" Maguire was laid to rest during funeral services performed Friday in Wilmington. > Front
High School girl's basketball team rolled up a 100-2 victory overSeattle's American Indian ..... Woburn Police Sgt. Robert C. Sciresaid the victim, whose .
Chief news in Foxborough, MA | local topics
15 Feb 2011 She was the wife of Retired Marblehead Police Officer Douglas Hulsman, with whom she shared 61 years of marriage.
News of the Weird [Archive] - Page 2 - Patriots Planet - New
Police search outside Lowe's after a Woburn police officer and a suspect in a robbery Tom Brady throws a short pass as the Patriots practice at Gillette
Thousands Of Officers Gather To Honor Slain Policeman - Boston
24 May 2010 ( Woburn , MA); Emergency Medical Transportation, Inc. (Shrewsbury, MA) ..... Inc. (Tyngsborough, MA); New England Heat Basketball , Inc (Bolton, MA) Inc. ( Norwell, MA); Norwood Police Patrolmen's Union, Inc. (Norwood, MA) Patp, Inc . (Westfield, MA); Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club, Inc. (Orange,
Massachusetts Local News -
29 Dec 2010 MAGUIRE, Patrolman John B. "Jack" City of Woburn Police Dept. of ...... He was an avid fan of the Patriots , Red Sox and the Bruins. - mobile
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLcompany based in Woburn . Shipps is the public charter school's business manager. Each week during the NFL regular ..... Officer Larry Lundrigan's partner, K-9 Hunter of the Milton Police .... el Connelly; Pinheads and Patriots , by Bill O' Reilly; Basketball holds player evaluations this Saturday, Dec.