Fighting Illini Basketball : Alex Legion to Transfer
3 Dec 2007 Freshman guard Alex Legion is transferring from the University of Kentucky basketball program, the school announced Monday. Legion informed U.K. coach Billy Gillispie of his desire to transfer at a meeting Monday.
Alex Legion leaves Illinois - Hail to the Orange
The latest stats, facts, news and notes on Alex Legion of the FIU Golden Panthers. FIU Golden Panthers. Alex Legion ; #34; Guard; FIU Golden Panthers
Alex legion - - Welcome
5 Dec 2007 Alex Legion I do believe this is my first post at Intentional Foul discussing the University of Kentucky basketball team and as the editor
Alex Legion to transfer from UK
21 Dec 2010 University of Kentucky Basketball and Football Alex Legion and Dominique Ferguson are both players that are familiar names to UK fans.
Billy Gillispie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
25 Apr 2007 New Kentucky coach Billy Gillispie added an unexpected prize to his roster Tuesday when Parade All-American Alex Legion signed to play
UK Basketball : Cats sign Parade All-American Alex Legion - Central
13 posts - 8 authors Alex Legion Kentucky Basketball . Michigan, UK , Illinois, now FIU have all said bye bye to him. Maybe he's trying to set a record for most colleges
UK Sports Info » Alex Legion and Dominique Ferguson Both Playing Now
25 posts - 21 authors - Last post: 7 Dec 2007 Alex Legion to Transfer? Fighting Illini Basketball . recruits were falling out of trees to play for him, and UK fans were giddy.
Courtside with the Kentucky Wildcats — Jerry Tipton on UK basketball
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: 19 Oct 2008 Alex Legion Kentucky Basketball . he misses being a part of something as
What was university of Kentucky basketball roster in 2007
4 Dec 2007 Alex Legion , a 6-foot-5 guard who decided early this week to transfer from Kentucky, is reconsidering his decision and may return to the
Freshman guard Legion leaving Kentucky -
15 Feb 2011 University of Kentucky Basketball , Football, and Recruiting news Son of a Prophet Alex Legion has been dismissed from FIU's team by head
Alex Legion - FIU Golden Panthers - College Basketball -
25 Oct 2009 Kentucky Fans: Remember Alex Legion ?,College, high school and professional basketball in the state of Kentucky.
Kentucky Fans: Remember Alex Legion ?
[Archive] Alex Legion signed with Kentucky College Basketball . But the way you say it you infer that Legion came to UK b/c of Tubby leaving.
Kentucky Sports Radio » Blog Archive » Happy Trails, Alex Legion
29 Dec 2009 Alex Legion , a highly touted transfer from Kentucky when he joined the Illinois basketball team last season, has left the program.
Alex Legion leaves Illinois basketball team - Chicago Breaking Sports
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: 11 Oct 2007During a recent conversation about University of Kentucky basketball freshman Alex Legion , his mother repeatedly made references to God. Alex Legion -- Oh My!
31 Dec 2007 Former Kentucky guard Alex Legion picked Illinois as his new Jerry Tipton on UK basketball — Copyblogger theme design by Chris Pearson.